The Australian Gorlin Syndrome Mutual Support Group is composed of people with different professions and life experiences but we have this genetic condition in common. Some of us like to get into in-depth knowledge of what science is discovering while others like the mutual support and sharing of experiences, treatments etc. We can choose whether we read the complex and deep scientific papers or the experiences of others. There is room for everyone.
The aim of the Australian Gorlin Syndrome Mutual Support Group is to share our stories and to keep up to date with the latest research and treatments being offered. Members are encouraged to share any relevant article which they feel could be of interest to the group. We have a Consultant Dermatologist available to answer questions.
Members in Adelaide meet together regularly for lunch. Perhaps in time similar congenial gatherings will be happening in more cities.
The Australian Gorlin Syndrome Mutual Support Group is composed of people with different professions and life experiences but we have this genetic condition in common. Some of us like to get into in-depth knowledge of what science is discovering while others like the mutual support and sharing of experiences, treatments etc. We can choose whether we read the complex and deep scientific papers or the experiences of others. There is room for everyone.
The aim of the Australian Gorlin Syndrome Mutual Support Group is to share our stories and to keep up to date with the latest research and treatments being offered. Members are encouraged to share any relevant article which they feel could be of interest to the group. We have a Consultant Dermatologist available to answer questions.
Members in Adelaide meet together regularly for lunch. Perhaps in time similar congenial gatherings will be happening in more cities.